Vandervest Harley-Davidson will be hosting the Jerry Parin’s Cruise For Cancer event on Sunday, June 9th. As a kickoff to the event, $174,000 from last year’s event was donated to nine local organizations — HSHS St. Vincent/St. Mary’s Foundation, Bellin Health Foundation, Unity Hospice, HSHS St. Vincent’s Child Life, Bellin Child Life, Colton’s Cure, Ovarian Cancer Community Outreach, Ribbon of Hope Foundation, and Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
The money was raised during the 2023 Jerry Parins Cruise for Cancer event, Drift Inn event, a motorcycle raffle and numerous other pledges and donations. The public is welcome to come to this year’s event with tailgate party starting at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 9th. There is no entry fee to attend the tailgate party. Six local families battling cancer will be honored and there will be food trucks, live music, bucket raffles, silent auction, and live auction. For more details, please visit cruiseforcancer.org.
Jerry Parins former Green Bay Police Officer and Green Bay Packer Director of Packer Security organized the ride with Vandervest Harley-Davidson, the Packerland Harley Owners Group and the Green Bay Police and Fire Departments to raise money for families with cancer. Over the course of the past twenty years, they have donated more than $2 million to local cancer organizations.
photo caption: Pictured above, from left to right, are Erik Vandervest, Dixie Kinnard — Vandervest Harley-Davidson, Greg Roberts — Packerland HOG Chapter Director and Jerry Parins.