The Howard-Suamico Lions Club is seeing an increase in requests for accessibility ramps for persons with various physical challenges. The Club is attempting to fulfill this need in our local community by designing, building and installing the ramps at the residences of qualifying individuals. Labor is provided by Lions Club members, and materials are obtained through community donations, Club funds and the qualifying individual’s contributions.
A recently completed ramp project in the Green Bay area provided Kegen with easy access to his home. His mother, Kate, is delighted with the finished product. “Kegen will benefit tremendously from the ramp, giving him independence, continual growth in his strength, and his overall ability to take the proper steps on the way to his ultimate goal of being able to walk full time with minimal assistance. The overall joy he will experience on his trips out to the school bus and other events that might seem minimal to some, but which are an overwhelming experience for Kegen. You can see it in his attitude, the sense of accomplishment he feels when he does those things on his own with minimal assistance. Seeing Kegen grow is the ultimate experience as his mother. The ramp will not only make Kegen happy, but myself as well, as I watch him join the community setting as a child not with a disability, but with every opportunity to partake in normalcy as he continues his journey. Everyday tasks with the ramp and Kegen’s independence will lighten the load of everyday routine tasks that we take for granted, carrying groceries, extra equipment, or unpacking our camping gear [which he loves to do].”
This successful ramp project for Kegen likely would not have been possible if not for the generous funding from two organizations called Options for Independent Living and DIY Home Center. The Lions Club provided the labor for construction and installation of the ramp, with material costs covered by the Options for Independent Living and DIY Home Center donations.
Looking to the future, the Howard-Suamico Lions Club would like to continue to build and assemble accessibility ramps to fill a need in the local community. In order to continue with these important projects, we are looking for donations from private parties or local businesses to help defray the ramp material costs.
If you are in need of this type of service, or can help in any way with funding, feel free to contact Lion Art Becker at akbec@sbcglobal.net or Lion John Myers at johnmyers3206@yahoo.com.