Kumon of Howard, located at 2465 Lineville Road, provides after-school math and reading programs. Kumon is the largest after-school math and reading program in the country. Kumon serves over one million students in both the US and Canada. Their focus is on students from PK3 to 12th grade in both math and reading. Stop by for the Open House on Wednesday, October 25 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. and see what Kumon of Howard has to offer for your child.
Kumon of Howard is owned by Yelonda Harvey. She has been an educator for over 15 years with a passion for teaching. Yelonda Harvey is also a wife, a mother, and a Navy veteran who was proud to serve as a Naval Supply Corps Officer for seven years. Kumon of Howard has been open for less than a year. Yelonda Harvey would love to assess your child in both math and/or reading.
Based on your child’s results, their abilities, and their pace, she will create an individualized lesson plan for your child.
Stop by the center at 2465 Lineville Road in Howard near Piggly Wiggly to get a free assessment for your child. Kumon of Howard can create an individualized lesson plan to ensure your child’s path to success.